Controls On Delegated Legislation

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  • Controls on Delegated Legislation
    • Parliamentary
    • Scrutiny Comittee
      • Made up of HOL and HOC
      • Power to review all S.I before they become a law
      • Report to P who will act
      • Only make a report,Cant act.
      • MPs can qu M who drafts the S.I
  • Parent Act
    • Parliamentary
    • give gm authority to act
    • happens before SI can become a law.
    • lay down procedure of consultation with interested groups
  • Affirmative and Negative resolution
    • Controls on Delegated Legislation
      • Scrutiny Comittee
        • Made up of HOL and HOC
        • Power to review all S.I before they become a law
        • Report to P who will act
        • Only make a report,Cant act.
        • MPs can qu M who drafts the S.I
    • Requires Parliament to vote their aproval before it becomes law
    • Will become law automatically after 40 days unless P decides to debate and reject it.
  • e.g codes of practised that are issued under PACE
    • Requires Parliament to vote their aproval before it becomes law


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