Core Themes of Liberalism
- Created by: powrieannie
- Created on: 18-05-16 10:07
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- Core Themes of Liberalism
- Freedom
- Humans should have the ability to act as they wish without laws or society limiting you
- Positive Freedom
- The state intervenes in order to increase freedom (the enabling state)
- Negative Freedom
- Citizens are left alone with no constraints from the government
- Positive Freedom
- Humans should have the ability to act as they wish without laws or society limiting you
- Justice
- A moral standard of fairness and impartiality.
- Social justice
- The notion of a fair or justifiable distribution of wealth and rewards in society
- Reason
- Humans have the mental capacity to take control of their own lives.
- Individual
- All individuals are unique and equally valuable.
- An individual cannot be categorised in to a group.
- Toleration
- The acceptance of the differing opinions/views of others regardless of whether you agree or not
- Freedom
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