Corporate Objectives
- Created by: acramersmith1
- Created on: 10-06-17 12:12
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- Corporate Objectives
- Market Position- This could be the share of sales in a specific new or existing market or a growth rate for sales in a market
- Innovation- This refers to the invention and development of new goods and services, as well as new processes and methods of producing and supplying products
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- Financial Resources- these objectives could relate to the amount of capital available to a business and its sources and how it may be used
- Physical Resources- this refers to the building land, equipment and technological resources available to the business
- Human Resources- Objectives in this areas may relate to motivation or engagement among employees
- Productivity
- Social Responsibility- This is an area in which setting objectives has become more common as business shave responded more fully and openly to stakeholders needs
- Profits- These objectives could relate to an overall level of profits or to profit measured against other factors such as revenue or the amount of capital invested
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