Corporate Objectives & Strategy
- Created by: Izzie
- Created on: 13-04-18 13:22
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- Corporate Objectives & Strategy
- Corporate Objectives are goals an organisation plans to achieve in a given time period
- They are used to form strategies
- Mission Statements & Aims
- Can give a sense of purpose
- Can increase motivation
- Can help stakeholders understand the business aim
- Can increase motivation
- Can be used to create good image
- Can be vague
- Impossible to sum up what a business is about in a few sentences
- Can be vague
- Can give a sense of purpose
- When considering a strategy it is important to investigate the cost alongside potential gains
- It is useful to look at a portfolio but...
- It is only a snapshot of the current position
- Little to no predictive value
- High mrkt growth doesn't ensure an attractive mrkt
- High mrkt share isn't the best measure of a product's ability to generate cash
- High mrkt growth doesn't ensure an attractive mrkt
- Little to no predictive value
- It is only a snapshot of the current position
- Portfolios allow you to analyse and compare products
- Strategic decisions are made in order to meet objectives & tend to be long term
- Tactical decisions are short term steps taken to help achieve the strategy
- Corporate Objectives are goals an organisation plans to achieve in a given time period
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