course work britain
- Created by: Lucybarrow444
- Created on: 06-08-19 12:33
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- belgium was reason for joining war
- agree
- how significant was the treaty of london?
- could they avoided the war
- disagree it was for the empire
- It was to protect the colonies in Africa from Germany
- How advantageous was the trade industry to British empire in
the 19th century
- disagree it was because of tensions in 19th/20th cent.
- How important was it to protect itself from an increasingly
powerful Germany?
- It was to protect the colonies in Africa from Germany
- did Britain enter WWI to have a key role in future relations and to diminish Germany’s?
- How important was it to protect itself from an increasingly
powerful Germany?
- disagree it was because of tensions in 19th/20th cent.
- disagree it was because of tensions in 19th/20th cent.
- How important was it to protect itself from an increasingly
powerful Germany?
- did Britain enter WWI to have a key role in future relations and to diminish Germany’s?
- How important was it to protect itself from an increasingly
powerful Germany?
- agree
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