CPU and System performance
- Created by: Tomiwaq
- Created on: 23-03-19 12:16
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- CPU and System performance
- CPU performance
- Clock speed
- The number of instructions a single processor core can carry out per second (Hz)
- The higher the clock speed, the greater number of instructions that can be carried out
- The number of instructions a single processor core can carry out per second (Hz)
- Number of cores
- Each core can process data independently
- The more cores, the more instructions it can carry out at once
- Each core can process data independently
- Cache size
- The cache inside the CPU is faster than RAM
- A larger cache gives the CPU faster access to more data
- The cache inside the CPU is faster than RAM
- Clock speed
- If a computer has too little RAM it will run slowly as it will rely more on VM
- The more RAM, the more applications it can run smoothly
- Very easy to upgrade RAM
- if the computer has enough RAM, increasing the RAM will do nothing
- Graphical Processing Unit
- Specialised circuits for handling graphics and image processing
- Relieve the processing load on the CPU
- Basic GPU's are put onto the motherboard
- CPU performance
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