Media A2 theory creativity
For A2 media exam
- Created by: jgrove
- Created on: 16-09-14 10:17
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- Creativity
- Plot of AS
- Creativity limited by hardware and software used?
- How can this be changed in A2?
- Final Cut Pro- Editing
- Originality
- Subversion
- Narrative
- Inspirations
- Intended meaning
- Stereotypical?
- Creativity limited by hardware and software used?
- Plot of A2
- Originality
- Subversion
- Narrative
- Inspirations
- Stereotypical?
- Intended meaning
- Music for A2 piece
- Planning ahead and in more depth
- Originality
- Theories
- Binary Opposition (Strauss)
- Character Theory (Propp)
- Semiotics
- Storyboards
- Cinematography
- Plot of AS