- Created by: kirsty.smith98
- Created on: 10-06-16 17:06
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- Creoles
- The new generations are taught the expanded form and this becomes their native language
- As a result, and with little influence from older speaker, the language form develops into a fully functional language (Socially and message oriented)
- Creolisation involves the expansion and development of the grammatical systems, lexicon and writing system
- Nature of Creoles
- Historically, Creole languages were considered low in status and referred to as 'patois'/'patwa'
- Most Creoles (within Europe) derive from our continents having originated in the slave trades: Europe, Africa, North and South America
- Creoles do not demonstrate a lack of stability- they are as describable as any officially recognised language and are not 'simple' languages
- Level of Creole
- Acrolect
- The 'top' level. Closest to standard
- Like pidgins, they exist in many forms
- Basilect
- Far from standard and are deep Creoles
- Mesolect
- In the middle will be versions further from the standard both grammatically and lexically
- Acrolect
- Vocabulary
- It may be that these words which reflect the Caribbean or adaptation of existing English words
- 'Vex'= 'Angry'
- There will be a large number of words that are specific to that form
- Grammar
- Creole grammars is systematic and have their own rules
- Nouns are not usually marked for plurality using inflections, instead a quantifier is used. But when referring to people, 'dem' is attached to the noun
- 'di gyal-dem' = 'the girls'
- Verbs tend not to be inflected to show 3rd person '-s' and tense markers are usually ommitted
- The past tense is likely to be identical to present forms, therefore auxiliary verbs and adverbs may be used to indicate tense
- The copula 'to be' is often omitted altogether or used in its infinitive form (Base form)
- 'Be'
- Interrogatives pronouns 'wh-' may be inverted with the subject when used to create a interrogative
- Phonology
- There are some distinctive features of Creole phonology, most of which result from mixing
- /t/ and /?/ are not distinguished and are both pronounced /t/
- /d/ and /ð/ are not distinguished and are both pronounced /d/
- There appears to be a lack of dental fricatives, with the Creoles using alveolar plosives in there place
- Alveolar Plosives= Front part of the tongue on the alveolar ridge /s/, /z/. /t/, /d/
- Dental fricative= Between the teeth /?/
- Consonant clusters are reduced with the final consonant being omitted
- 'most' = /m??s/
- Elision and reduction are common in Creoles
- 'And'=/?n/, 'for'= /f?/
- Metathesis
- Rearranging of phonemes and syllables in lexemes
- 'to ask'. 'ask'= /?ks/
- Rearranging of phonemes and syllables in lexemes
- Code Switching
- People of Afro-Caribbean Descent born in Britain often learn BrEng as their first language but can use and understand Creole forms
- Code-switching however, is frowned upon in some language communities
- This may result in the use of features from both the Creole language and BrEng in the same sentence/ utterance
- This is known as code- switching and is common in bilingual speakers when the conversation is private and informal
- Decreolisation
- This is a hypothetical phenomenon whereby over time a Creole language reconverges with one of the standard languages from which it was originally derived
- This is influenced more so by the superstrate language than the substrate language
- Typically, the language with higher prestige( most often the lingua franca) will exert a much greater influence on the lower prestige language (the Creole)
- Thus leading to the reintroduction of such complexities in the superstate language
- Inflections, subordination
- The new generations are taught the expanded form and this becomes their native language
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