crime and punishment- Middle ages
- Created by: Cannp
- Created on: 30-05-19 11:06
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- Medieval England
- Punishment
- stocks and pillaries
- capital punishment
- beheading
- hanging
- corporal punishments
- maiming
- flogging
- fines
- Wergild
- paying fines to family when you murdered someone
- Crimes
- New crimes
- The Forest Laws
- Made it illegal to hunt in certain areas without a license
- Murdrum fine
- The Forest Laws
- crimes against authority
- Treason
- Rebellion
- Crimes against property
- Arson
- Theft/poaching
- counterfeiting coins
- crimes against the person
- ****
- Assault
- Murder
- Public disorder
- New crimes
- Law enforcement
- Tithings
- Hue and cry
- parish constables
- Oaths
- Trial by ordeal
- trial by combat
- fight to the death
- built castles
- Influence of the church
- sanctuary
- Benefit of clergy
- people proved their right to claim benefit of clergy by reading a passage of the bible
- Trial by ordeal
- various methods were used but all outcomes were seen as God's will
- Punishment
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