Causes of the February/March 1917 Revolution
- Created by: Natalie
- Created on: 23-11-17 19:11
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- Causes of the February/March Revolution
- World War One
- 17 million rupels was spent, causing increase in tax and inflation
- High levels of loss and high number of people conscripting
- Caused social unrest, food shortages, making people angry
- People in cities starving as army got fed before them
- Transport wasn't well organised and fully focused on military
- Government lost support of army
- Russia was losing the war
- Government lost support of army
- High levels of desertions aw well as lack of ammunition, uniform etc
- Tsar's mistakes and politics
- He became commander-in-chief in September 1915
- Directly responsible for battle losses
- No real military experience
- Tsar ignored an appeal to replace the cabinet - Progressive Bloc
- Zegmor created to help the war/casualties of war
- Showed how little the Tsar helped
- Created an alternative to the Tsar
- Success of the union of Zemta highlighted incompetence of the Tsar.
- He became commander-in-chief in September 1915
- Rasputin
- He was a self-ordened holy man and notorious for sexual excesses
- Damaged the reputation of the dynasty
- Gave a focus of hatred for the Tsarist system
- Had to censor the press because it was so bad
- Rumours about his sexual activity with the Tsarina and her daughters
- Led to jealousy of previous senior ministers, split previous support
- Tsraina relied on his which increased opposition
- He made it difficult to defend the Tsarist system
- He had no real training
- World War One
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