Crime and Deviance - 17 marks
- Created by: emily cressey
- Created on: 12-04-14 21:12
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- Crime and Deviance - 17 marks
- Two reasons why young people may commit deviant behaviour
- Labelling
- Becker - interactionist
- Thrillseeking
- postmodernist - Katz & Lyng
- Labelling
- Two ways youth deviance is influenced by social class
- W/C
- Coles - poor = crimes
- Wallamsley et al 41% of prisoners are w/c but only 19% in population
- Youth Lifestyle Survey - w/c persistant or serious crimes
- M/C
- Graham & Bowling - M/C youth just as likely to commit crime e.g white collar crime
- Messerschmidt - Masculinity
- W/C
- Two ways youth deviance is influenced by ethnicity
- Black/Asian youths are more likely to be stopped and & searched
- Institutional racism - Hall, Alexander, Hood, Blom Cooper and Drabble
- Some ethnic minorities e.g black and asians have a high population in prison
- ethnic minorities actually commit more crime due to family - sewell or education - gillborn
- Black/Asian youths are more likely to be stopped and & searched
- Two ways in which the media may create youth deviance
- Role Models
- Sewell
- Deviancy Amplification
- Moral panics - thornton
- Role Models
- Two ways youth deviance is influenced by gender
- Girls are less likely to commit cime
- Parental control - Box
- McRobbie & Garber - bedroom culture
- Boys are more likely to commit violent crimes
- Messerschmidt - Masculinity - committing crimes seen as masculine
- Girls are less likely to commit cime
- Two ways labelling creates youth deviance
- Self Fufilling Prophecy
- Becker - labelling leads to self fufulling prophecy
- Moral Panics
- Becker
- Thornton - Raves
- Self Fufilling Prophecy
- Two characteristics of moral panics involving young people
- concern
- Goode & Ben Yehuda
- hostility
- Goode & Ben Yehuda
- concern
- Two features of the functionalist view of youth deviance
- Strain Theory
- Merton
- Status Frustration
- Cohen
- Strain Theory
- Two features of marxist view of youth deviance
- traditional marxism
- Left Realism
- Lea & Young
- traditional marxism
- Two ways that youth deviance may have changed in postmodern society
- Pleasure in committing crime
- Katz
- Risk Taking
- Lyng
- Pleasure in committing crime
- Two reasons why young people may commit deviant behaviour
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