Criminological - Definition of the application
- Created by: Michaela
- Created on: 02-04-14 17:58
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- Criminological Psychology
- The study of thoughts, intentions and the reactions of criminals
- These people threaten their society due to a combination of anti-social and criminal behaviour
- Anti-social behaviour lacks consideration for others and can be unpleasant or damage society due to intention or negligence. This doesnt have to break the law
- These people threaten their society due to a combination of anti-social and criminal behaviour
- Criminal behaviour is the breaking of rules or laws intentionally and violating norms
- It is a social construct and consequences are imprisonment, fines and community service
- Recidivism is when someone repeats a crime or behaviour they have already been punished for
- We treat criminals in order to reduce recidivism through a punitive or rehabilitative approach
- Token economy is a form of behaviour therapy where criminals are rewarded with tokens for appropriate behaviours
- Stereotyping is thoughts adopted about individuals that may not reflect their personality
- Modelling is imitating our role models through observing behaviours as part of social learning
- Eyewitness testimony is the account a bystander gives as evidence to a witnessed crime
- The study of thoughts, intentions and the reactions of criminals
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