Criminology-U2-Lombroso Theory
- Created by: mskilton04
- Created on: 26-10-20 19:32
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- Lombroso
- Theory
- He believed that you can tell a criminal by what they look like.
- Criminals are a different species
- Criminality is inheritable
- Criminals have Atavistic Features
- Large Jaw
- High Cheekbones
- Sloped Forehead
- Long Arms
- Large Ears
- Extra Toes, *******, Fingers
- Can determine crime by looks
- Bloodshot eyes and curly hair= murderer
- Evaluation
- Lombroso was the first to study scientifically which he used objective measurements to gather evidence, crime uses too be seen as a moral or religious issue
- His research showed the importance of clinical and historical records of criminals
- Fails to describe why women commit crime
- This helped with offender profiling
- Extremely deterrministic
- Doesn't explain all factors of why people are criminals
- By describing criminals as a 'primitive stage' this would mean Lombroso equates non-western societies with criminals, this means the theory is a form of racism
- Ian Brady- One of the Moors Murderers has a sloped forehead, big nose as well as a large jaw, and he is a criminals, Lombroso theory works
- Not all people with Atavistic Features are criminals
- Research
- University of China
- 1856 Chinese Men
- 1/2 were criminals
- 6% of innocent were accused as criminals
- Faces entered into an AI system
- 1856 Chinese Men
- Looked at 383 dead criminals and 3839 alive criminals
- Concluded that 40% of criminal acts can be accounted by atavistic features
- University of China
- Facts
- Father of Modern Criminology
- Military Doctor and Italian Psychiatrist
- Moved Criminology into the scientific realm
- Theory
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