Criminology UNIT 2 - 3.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of physiological theories of criminality

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  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Physiological Theories to Explain Causes of Criminality
    • Lombroso
      • Strengths
        • Lombroso was the first person to study crime scientifically
        • Lombroso's research highlighted the importance of criminal records
        • Lombroso's later work also took into account social and environmental factors
        • Lombroso helped to develop a focus on preventing crime not just punishing it
      • Limitations
        • No other research has managed to prove a link between facial features and criminality
        • Lombroso did not compare his group of criminals to a group on non-criminals
        • Lombroso equarted non-western societies as criminals. This is a form of racism
    • Sheldon
      • Strengths
        • Other studies have backed up Shledons findings such as Glueck and Glueck who found that 60% of offenders in their study were mesomorphs
        • In Sheldon's study the most serious criminals were the ones with the most mesomorphic bodies
      • Limitations
        • Glueck and Glueck found that criminality was better explianed through a combonations of factors
        • Individuals may have devloped mesomorphic bodeis for a wide range of reasons like for sport not just because they are criminal
        • Sheldon does not account for the other body types who also commit crimes
        • Mesomprphs are typically labelled as deliinquent so may be living up to the stereotype


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