Crimme and deviance basics
- Created by: holly6901
- Created on: 19-09-20 10:27
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- Crime and deviance 2.1
- Defining crime and deviance
- Crime - A legal wrong that can be followed by criminal proceedings
- Deviance - Behaviour which does not follow the norms and values of society and is therefore disapproved
- The opposite of this is conformity to the norms of a society
- Due to the cultural diversity in the UK, deviance may vary within societies
- Some crimes require a certain context to become crimes
- The social construction of crime
- Crime and deviance are both socially constructed which means they are created and defined by society
- It is also relative so will vary depending on time, society and circumstance
- Social control and social order
- Social order - general conformity to the value consensus of society
- Social control - the processes by which people are persuaded to obey the rules of society
- Formal social control - carried out by the armed forces and the criminal justice system
- Informal social control - carried out by the education system, the family and the media
- Measuring crime
- The official crime statistics include statistics produced from police, court and prison records, as well as data from the crime survey for England and Wales
- Police recorded crime statistics - all police recorded crime in England and wales
- The Dark Figure of Crime - Crime that is not recognised, reported or recorded
- Victim survey - Involves surveying what crimes people have been a victim of in a period time
- The Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) - Is a victim survey with structured interviews
- Self-report studies - Like victim surveys for offenders
- Defining crime and deviance
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