Crisis of Liberal Italy 1900-1915
Four primary factors for a question based on the first 15 years of the course with flags for links between factors
- Created by: louisec889
- Created on: 21-03-18 10:41
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- Crisis of Liberal Italy 1900-1915
- Legacy of Risorgimento
- 18% of Southern children attend primary school
- 2% enfrachisement
- 2% population speak Italian
- Failure of Liberal Elite
- 1913 Gentilini Pact
- 3 mil Italians leave for US between 1900 and 1915
- 1901 neutrality policy
- Socialist Threat
- 1912 sees intoduction of proportional representation and universal male suffrage
- 55000 die of cholera
- 1914 Red Week
- War and Nationalist Inclinations
- 300k Italian soldiers vs. 3.8 million German soldiers
- Legacy of 1896 Battle of Adowa and irridentism
- Succumbing to nationalist pressure at 1914 Treaty of London
- Legacy of Risorgimento
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