Cross-cultural variations of Strange Situation
- Created by: olencjusz23
- Created on: 03-04-14 19:34
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- Cross-cultural variation of Ainsworth- Strange Situation
- Takahasi
- Japan
- 68% of infants securely attached - 32% insecure resistant
- No insecure-avoident due to cultural differences
- 60 middle classed Japanese infants, raised at home by their mothers
- Evaluation: Distress for infants- Ethical Issue + Small sample size, all middle classed
- Van Izendoorn + Kroonenberg
- Secure attachment the highest in UK - 75%
- Secure attachment the lowest in China - 50%
- Evaluation: Small sample sizes, eg 22 in China. + Small number of studies per each country
- Avoident attachment the most common in West Germany- 35%
- Takahasi
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