- Created by: Katie-Louise Griffin
- Created on: 15-11-14 17:26
View mindmap
- Cults
- Bruce
- Movements without fixed set of beliefs
- Inner power of the individual
- Loose knit
- No hierarchy
- Wallis
- Small membership
- Limited commitment
- No bureaucratic structure
- Short lived
- No monopoly of truth
- Seen as deviant
- Transcendental Meditation
- The Raelians
- Heavnes Gate
- Scientology
- Stark ad Bainbridge
- Audience Cult
- Little face to face contact
- Mass media
- Astrology
- Client Cult
- Offer services
- Scientology
- Cult movements
- Satisfy all religious needs
- Membership of other religions not allowed
- Meetings
- Heavens Gate
- Audience Cult
- Bruce
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