Cultural influences on gender
- Created by: Nicola
- Created on: 30-05-13 17:01
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- Cultural influences on gender roles
- Helps us to increase our understanding of the relative contributions of BIOLOGY and SOCIALISATION.
- Research favours view that m are more aggressive and less empathetic. This puts emphasis on a biological or nature explanations of why m/w are different.
- Cultural similarities
- Studies show that every society has some division of labour and behaviour by gender.
- In all societies w have the responsibility for children, but in no society is it on men - evidence for gender differences m are bread winners.
- Williams and Best
- Gender stereotypes in 30 different nations involving 2800 uni students. Given 300 item adjective checklist- whether it was associated with m/w.
- Found there was a broad consensus across countries with m being seen as dominant and w nurturing- suggests there are universal gender stereotypes gender roles being biologically determined.
- Buss
- Study involved 10,000 people from 37 different cultures, m wanted mates younger both wanted intelligence and kindness.
- Helps us to increase our understanding of the relative contributions of BIOLOGY and SOCIALISATION.
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