Cultural Variations in Attachment
- Created by: Ambrosia
- Created on: 02-01-13 11:57
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- Cultural Variations in attachment
- Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg did a meta analysis of the strange situation in 8 countries. Secure attachment was most common, then avoidant (except israel and Japan) then resistant
- This supports bowlby that attachment is innate however can we generalise these findings to the whole world?
- attachment theories only relevant to western culture?
- Rothbaum et al 2000-attachment research is too firmly rooted in western culture to be applicable elsewhere (IMPOSED ETICS)
- Van ijzendoorn and sagi found attachment similar to western culture in urban tokyo
- Attachment similar because of global culture but appear different as research is being done in different sub cultures
- Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg did a meta analysis of the strange situation in 8 countries. Secure attachment was most common, then avoidant (except israel and Japan) then resistant
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