Culture bias in psychology A01 and A03
- Created by: ADSNINA
- Created on: 23-09-21 09:42
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- culture bias in psychology
- A01
- Culture bias vs universality
- Ethnocentrism
- John Berry 1969
- etic/emic approach
- etic- research from outside the culture and generalises
- emic- research from inside a culture and don't generalise
- etic/emic approach
- cultural relativism
- A03
- leads to prejudice e.g US army ww1 IQ test biased against black population
- Smith and Bond 66% US, 32% euro, 2% other. this lacks pop. validity
- Getting better- more traveled. Afrocentrism, indigenous psychology
- DSM- Kleinman + cohen 1997 found ignored indigebous mental disorders. However, progress being made.
- DSM- Kleinman + cohen 1997 found ignored indigebous mental disorders. However, progress being made.
- A01
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