PY4 Controversies: Culture bias
- Created by: jessllukes
- Created on: 30-04-15 22:47
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- Culture bias in psychology
- 1.CULTURE BIAS= research limited sample, culturally specific. Findings assumed to apply to all C's.
- Cant make this assumption unless all cultures tested.
- Created problems for psych research & theory and therefore our understanding of human behav.
- main factors: Hisorical bias, ethnocentrism and etic/emic approaches to research
- We can see this in research of social influence, relationships, abnormal psych
- Cant make this assumption unless all cultures tested.
- 2.Historical bias: assumtion that findings n concs apply anywhere in history. Each historical period has its own unique culture influencing behav.
- solution: replicate in different culture
- PERRIN & SPENCER: study in 80's found low conformity. Proves Asch to be historically biased.
- Replications suffer cultural biases of their own
- Carried out in UK Thatcher prime ministry - heightened individuality
- Show differences: we are rightly ? ing consistency in behav
- ETIC APPROACH, beta bias and suffer from ethno/euro
- PERRIN & SPENCER: study in 80's found low conformity. Proves Asch to be historically biased.
- ASCH's classic study conluded behaviour in humans highly conformativ
- PERRIN & SPENCER "child of it's time" during cold war, americans feared accusation of being russian spies thus didnt want to stand out.
- Thus biased, just Americans at that time conforming
- PERRIN & SPENCER "child of it's time" during cold war, americans feared accusation of being russian spies thus didnt want to stand out.
- solution: replicate in different culture
- 3.Etic app, beta bias & ethno/ eurocentrism
- ETIC there are universals in human behav.... underest diffs
- BETA BIAS all people all cultures same
- ETHNOCEN assumption own cultural practices normal
- EUROCEN emph on Euro/ western ideas
- ETHNOCEN assumption own cultural practices normal
- BETA BIAS all people all cultures same
- Probs evident in the understandin of relat and abnormal psych
- ETIC there are universals in human behav.... underest diffs
- 5.Abnormal
- Diagnostic proceedures = ETIC APP thus BETA BIAS and EUROCEN
- RACIAL: COCHRANE ET AL black afro carribean immigrants 7x diag schiz
- CLASS: BRUCE ET AL higher rates of severe disorders
- Diagnostic proceedures = ETIC APP thus BETA BIAS and EUROCEN
- 4.Relationships
- Ethnocent: most research white british/ US P's
- KELLEY's Social exch theory
- MOGADDAM: economic theories reflect INDIVID society = own success (relationships profit & loss) COLLECT society = group sucess (profit and loss less important)
- KELLEY's Social exch theory
- Ethnocent: most research white british/ US P's
- 6.Overcoming culture bias
- represent samples
- Use EMIC approach (cross cultural)
- Etic app = attemp understand cultures as OUTSIDER
- INDIGENOUS PSYCHS overcome this ie carrying out research in own culture
- LANGUAGE PROBS :translation is subjective
- REDUCTIVE cultures vary in coll/ ind even within cultures
- ALPHA BIAS: overest diffs
- INDIGENOUS PSYCHS overcome this ie carrying out research in own culture
- 7.Conclusion
- culture bias
- whilst trying to avioid BETA
- too EMIC and therefore ALPHA
- too EMIC and therefore ALPHA
- whilst trying to avioid BETA
- culture bias
- 1.CULTURE BIAS= research limited sample, culturally specific. Findings assumed to apply to all C's.
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