Custodial sentencing- A03
- Created by: MollyL20
- Created on: 02-11-21 17:57
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- Custodial sentencing- A03
- Individual differences
- 1. Not all offenders will have the same psychological response to prisons, different prisons have different regimes and therefore all prisoners will have different experiences.
- 2. Other mitigating factors such as the length of the sentence, if they have been to prison before or even if they have under lying health conditions may affect their response.
- 3. Therefore, its difficult to make generalisations hard to each prison and each prisoner.
- Alternatives to custodial
- Davies and Raymond (2000) concluded that prisons do little to rehabilitate or deter offenders, and that despite this, government ministers often exaggerate the benefits of custodial sentencing to appear ‘tough on crime’.
- This weakens the use of prisons and similar institutions as an effective way of dealing with offending behaviour.
- Ethical issues
- The Prison Reform Trust found that 25% of women and 15% of men in prison reported signs of psychosis.
- Supporting that custodial sentencing causes stress and depression
- Suggesting that it may not be suitable for psychologically vulnerable individuals.
- Self report
- Self-report measures from offenders are problematic as offenders may not be able to reliably report why they had reoffended.
- There way be an inclination to adopt an external locus of control where they see issues with the system, rather than themselves, as being the reason, they reoffended.
- Trammel (2002), looked at reoffending rates and locus of control, found that reoffenders were more likely to have an external locus of control.
- Individual differences
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