Computing revision databases
- Created by: cameron gallagher
- Created on: 10-05-16 12:02
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- Databases
- A flat file database is a database with just one table.
- A flat file is useful because it is highly compatible between databases and other applications.
- Flat file databases can be used for a number of things
- Username and passwords
- contact detail
- product details
- Enteties
- When you build a database you are organising data into entities. An entity is any item that has its attributes stored as data. An entity could be a book, a person, a film, a country or a football team.
- The details about entities are called attributes. A person is an entity with attributes including age, height and nationality
- entities - each recorded item
- attributes - details about the entity
- field - columns used to capture attributes
- record - one row of details about an entity
- table - a set of fields and records
- primary key - unique number for an entity
- The main characteristics of a relational database are...
- primary key - unique number for an entity
- table - a set of fields and records
- record - one row of details about an entity
- field - columns used to capture attributes
- attributes - details about the entity
- Flat file databases can be used for a number of things
- A flat file is useful because it is highly compatible between databases and other applications.
- Relational databases allow data to be stored across multiple tables. Links, known as relationships, are formed to allow the data to be shared across the tables.
- it is built from a set of unique tables (also called relations)
- a table contains data about just one entity
- tables must have a primary key
- tables are linked by primary and foreign keys
- tables must have a primary key
- a table contains data about just one entity
- A flat file database is a database with just one table.
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