Daycare- Importance of daycare research
- Created by: rebeccahankinson
- Created on: 21-05-15 14:01
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- Daycare- Importance of daycare research
- It has an impact of developing children's lives
- It has become a routine part of the lives of a growing number of children, and so researchers want to know, does daycare harm children
- There is no sound argument to prove it has a positive, negative or no effect at all on the development of a child, but there are various studies which support both sides of the argument
- Daycare could be argued to be a form of short -term deprivation
- Bowlby would see it as such, because it means the separation from the primary caregiver
- The discussion of the effects of deprivation, attachments and separation anxiety are all applicable to the case of daycare
- Research into daycare focuses of certain main areas
- Social development
- Relationships and interactions with other people and the ability to form healthy attachments
- Emotional development
- Feelings we have about ourselves and others, including learning to cope, being confident and not self conscious, and learning to become independent
- Cognitive development
- Development of cognitive skills, such as processing, perceptual skill, language learning and general development of the brain
- Social development
- There are four types of development, social development, emotional development, cognitive development and physical development
- Whilst some research observes physical development of children the issue of daycare does not particularly concern this type of development
- Both social and emotional development can be subjectively measured, which is a weakness of some of the work regarding daycare research
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