Deception in a Doll's House and all my sons
- Created by: belinda
- Created on: 27-05-14 11:23
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- Deception
- Set
- Closed doors = entrapment by deception Repetition of doors and no key = inevitable consequences First word hide = secrets and deception threaded through-out.
- Hedges = surrounded by deception
- "closely planted" = entrapment "Secluded atmosphere" = Joe's deception being alone in his belief it was the right thing to do "poplars cut off view" = seems open but not - mirror's Keller's relationship
- Symbolism
- Tarantella Macaroons
- "Nora dances more and more wildly" - it is out of her control and taking over her life, her poison = secrets. Represents hope of escape "she stuffs (them) into her pocket" - highlights her deception on larger scale.
- Larry's tree
- "it was too soon" - self deception, cataphoric reference to ending with truth in letter suggests kate knows the truth "Believe with me joe"//"all right" - defelctive answers show he's trying to avoid statement and deceive her
- Tarantella Macaroons
- Other characters
- Mrs Linde = foil contrast to Nora to highlight N's deception and deception in Nora's and T's marriage
- "Not even a broken heart" - complete honesty "I have faith in what ... you are" unlike N+T
- Chris = honest and Joe= dishonest
- "Nobody comes back after three years"//"You can't say that to her" = Joe's deception "Joe mcguts" - lexis = strong relationship makes his deception worse.
- Mrs Linde = foil contrast to Nora to highlight N's deception and deception in Nora's and T's marriage
- Money
- Nora deceives K for money and T about it
- "You insisted on going through with all those cold-blooded formalities" - believes deception necessary so decep for money justified
- Joe doesn't want to lose money and uses society as an excuse
- "Hundred and twenty cracked and you're out of business" - needed money for american dream, pronoun get to sympathy "war and peace, nickels and dimes...what's clean?" society pressures him to make money for his fam.
- Nora deceives K for money and T about it
- Last paragraph
- Alternative ending = society's deception about ideals - idea they're living in a Doll's House.
- Society is deceived by importance and meaning of American dream - Frank's living it but he's also a draft dodger
- Set
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