Defining Knowledge
- Created by: Oliviamasih25
- Created on: 12-04-19 13:45
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- Defining Knowledge
- Tripartite definition
- Three components
- Justification
- Truth
- Belief
- Issues
- The conditions aren't sufficient
- Gettier's counter examples
- Smith & Jones
- Smith has JTB but not knowledge
- Smith & Jones
- Gettier's counter examples
- The conditions aren't individually necessary
- The conditions aren't sufficient
- Plato
- Claims the conditions are necessary and sufficient
- Three components
- No false lemmas clause
- Aims to strengthen the justification clause
- Avoids the Gettier case
- Smith's doesn't have knowledge
- Avoids the Gettier case
- Four components
- Justification
- Truth
- Belief
- Not inferred from anything false
- Issues
- Fake Barn scenario
- Henry has JTB+N but not knowledge
- Fake Barn scenario
- Aims to strengthen the justification clause
- Reliabilism
- Belief must be caused by a relible cognitive process
- Avoids the Gettier case
- Doesn't avoid the Fake Barn scenario
- Henry's belief was formed through his sight - which is a reliable cognitive process
- Doesn't avoid the Fake Barn scenario
- Avoids the Gettier case
- Sensitivity clause
- Nozick
- S wouldn't believe P if P was false
- Avoids the Fake Barn scenario
- If it wasn't a real barn, Henry would still beleive it was
- Avoids the Fake Barn scenario
- Belief must be caused by a relible cognitive process
- Infallibilism
- Belief must be certain - cannot be false
- Avoids both cases
- Gettier case
- Smith may had misheard the boss, it could be a dream, etc
- Fake Barn scenario
- Henry may be a brain in a vat, he could be dreaming, etc
- Gettier case
- Avoids both cases
- Issues
- Too strict
- Everything can be doubted
- Too strict
- Belief must be certain - cannot be false
- Virtue epistemology
- Belief was formed through excersising intellectual virtues
- e.g. good memory, rational thought, etc
- Avoids the Fake Barn scenario
- Henry required the virtue of identifying real barns which he didn't have
- Belief was formed through excersising intellectual virtues
- Tripartite definition
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