Definitions of Psychopathology
- Created by: caitlyn.hole
- Created on: 30-06-17 09:04
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- Definitions of Abnormality
- Deviation from social norms: Behaviour that goes against the unwritten rules of society
- E.g. laughing at a funeral
- Cultural relativism: Something considered normal in one culture may not be normal in another
- Norms change over time, e.g. homosexuality is now accepted as normal
- Failure to function adequately: Behaviour that means someone is unable to work or form satisfying relationships
- E.g. someone who is severely depressed
- Some people function normally but are still mentally ill, e.g. Harold Shipman
- Can be subjective; people with alternative lifestyles would be classified as failure to function but could instead be deviation from social norms
- E.g. new age travellers don't have permanent addresses + may not always work
- Rosenhan + Seligman: Behaviour=irrational, unpredictable + cause observer discomfort
- Deviation from ideal mental health: Not meeting ideals of mental health for optimal living
- Criteria suggested by Jahoda: E.g. can cope with stress, independent of others, + can self-actualise
- Criteria is too strict; hardly anyone meets all criteria
- Cultural relativism: Collectivist societies reject independence so the criteria is culturally biased
- Statistical infrequency: Behaviour that is unusual/different from majority
- E.g. having an IQ under 70 (2% of population)
- Some statistically infrequent behaviours are desirable, e.g. an extremely high IQ
- Depression is an abnormality but a large population suffer from it at some point
- Deviation from social norms: Behaviour that goes against the unwritten rules of society
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