Definitions of abnormality
- Created by: Georgia
- Created on: 06-05-19 13:30
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- Definitions of abnormality
- Deviation from social norms
- Violating the unwritten rules of society
- Clear distinction between normal and abnormal
- Lacks cultural relativism; norms are specific to a culture
- Individualism - those who don't conform may just be individualistic, not abnormal
- Failure to function adequately
- Personal distress; irrational beliefs; poor hygiene; unable to cope with stress / work
- Standardised criteria
- Subjective as psychologists judge people differently - lacks inter-rater reliability
- Considers individual differences - analyses each individual patient
- Statistical infrequency
- Any trait that is common is considered as normal; rare traits are abnormal
- Deviating from mean score = classed as abnormal
- Objective and standardised so fairer
- Practical application; diagnosis of intellectual disability disorder
- Used to see if deviate from average score
- Doesn't distinguish between desirable and undesirable factors
- Subjective; someone has to decide what is normal and abnormal
- Any trait that is common is considered as normal; rare traits are abnormal
- Deviation from ideal mental health
- Good self-esteem; being rational; independent; able to maintain relationships
- More criteria failed = more abnormal
- Positive and holistic approach to diagnosis
- Too inclusive - impossible to meet all criteria at all times
- Lacks cultural relativism - based on the Western idea of IMH
- Deviation from social norms
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