Deforestation Case Study - The Amazon
- Created by: Isobel183
- Created on: 09-04-18 14:16
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- Deforestation CASE STUDY "The Amazon"
- The Amazon is the largest rainforest on Earth
- Amazon covers an area of 8,000,000km²
- Covers : Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana
- Covers : Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana
- Since 1978, over 750,000km ² has been destroyed by deforestation
- Causes of Deforestation in The Amazon
- 65-70% = commercial (cattle) ranching
- 20-25% = Subsistence Farming
- 5-10% = Commercial Farming
- Mostly soy farming but rice,corn and sugar cane aswell
- 2-3% = Logging
- Including lots of illegal logging
- 1-2% = Other activities
- Mineral Extraction (e.g. Gold mining)
- Road Building
- Energy Development
- Building New settlements
- Impacts on the Environment
- The Amazon stores 100 billion tonnes of Carbon
- Deforestation will release some of the Carbon Dioxide
- Leads to Global Warming
- Deforestation will release some of the Carbon Dioxide
- Brazil is loosing 55 million tones of topsoil every year
- Because of Soil Erosion Caused by soy farming
- The Amazon stores 100 billion tonnes of Carbon
- Economic Impacts
- Economic development has brought wealth to countries that were very poor
- Farming makes lots of money
- In 2008, Brazil made $6.9 billion from cattle trading
- World's second biggest exporter of soy beans
- Mining Industry creates jobs for loads of people
- Buenaventura Mining Company in Peru employs over 3100 people
- Logging contributes huge amounts to Brazil's Economy
- Local Brazilian Rubber Tappers who extract natural rubber from rubber trees have lost their livelihoods due to trees being cut down
- Pressure
- Population Growth and migration
- Brazilian Government offers land in rainforest to poor people from overcrowded cities
- Pressure
- Population Growth and migration
- Brazilian Government offers land in rainforest to poor people from overcrowded cities
- Brazilian Government offers land in rainforest to poor people from overcrowded cities
- Population Growth and migration
- Pressure
- Brazilian Government offers land in rainforest to poor people from overcrowded cities
- Population Growth and migration