Defying Gravity: Texture

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  • Defying Gravity: Texture
    • The opening shows a sparse texture with punctuating instrumental chord stabs (e.g. bar 1) with some monophonic unaccompanied bars (e.g. bar 3).
    • In the verses there is a melody and accompaniment or melody-dominated homophony texture where the singer is accompanied by chords in the orchestra.
    • There are homophonic chordal moments (e.g. bar 132).
    • Ostinato accompaniment at bar 88 with repeated semiquavers
    • Elphaba and Glinda usually sing separately but sometimes sing together in unison (e.g. bar 101) or in harmony such as thirds (e.g. bar 127).
    • The ending is contrapuntal with three different musical ideas with different lyrics (e.g. bar 168).


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