Evaluation of Delegated Legislation
- Created by: andrew123456789
- Created on: 05-02-18 12:29
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- Delegated Legislation
- Disadvantages
- It's undemocratic
- Not done by MPs but instead can be done by railway companies and council.
- Sub-delegated
- Not really done by 'important' people
- Large volume +lack publicity
- Hard to discover current laws
- Difficult wording
- It's undemocratic
- Advantages
- Saves parliamentary time
- Don't have to go through the whole process
- Access to technical expertise
- Experts are consulted
- Allows consultation
- Allows quick law making
- If something occurs after a disaster or if something needs to be done against terrorism for example
- Easy to amend
- Useful for monetary limits
- Saves parliamentary time
- Disadvantages
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