Democracy + Participation
- Created by: comfortm
- Created on: 22-02-19 10:08
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- Democracy and Participation
- Types of representation
- Social
- Causal
- Functional
- Party
- Constituency
- National
- Forms of Representation
- Constituencies
- Government
- Mandate + Manifesto
- Pressure Groups
- There are 700+ pressure groups in the UK
- Have active or inactive membership
- Examples: Greenpeace (causal), British Medical Association (Sectional)
- Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) successfully introduced legislation under the Health Act 2006 which made the workplace smoke-free.
- Factors of success
- Size, e.g. Age UK is large and successful
- Finance and Wealth, e.g. Institute of Directors (IOD)
- Strategic position of particular sectional group, e.g. banking companies, teachers, motor industries, medical professionals.
- Public Mood, e.g. ASH reflects anti-smoking attitudes
- Attitude of Goverment, e.g. Lib Dem support of Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) led to reduce tax burden on low-income workers
- The Occupy London movement in 2011 failed to improve social equality and make people aware of corporate greed b/c of resistance from the authorities when camping outside of St Pauls
- Parties
- Types of Participation
- Party Membership (active/passive)
- Membership has steadily declined since the 1950s
- After the 2014 Scottish Independence referendum, SNP membership surged - they claimed to have 100,000 members
- Surge in Labour Membership in 2015 after Ed Miliband lowered subscription fee to £3.
- Pressure Group Membership (active/passive)
- Declining party membership has been replaced by pressure group participation.
- Rely on mass activism instead of large, formal membership
- Digital Activism
- E-petitions are a fast-growing form of democracy
- In 2016, a petition for a second referendum on the Parliamentary petition site got 3.8 million signatures.
- Sites like and 38 Degrees help to create social movements.
- The importance of social media campaigning is growing
- Voting
- The most important form of participation for citizens in a representative democracy.
- General trend of falling turnout
- 2001 and 2005 was the lowest recorded (60%), recovery in 2010 (65%) that extended to 2017 (70%)
- People are uninterested in conventional politics which has led to voter apathy
- Turnout in the UK is better that France and the USA
- Party Membership (active/passive)
- Types of representation
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