Democracy and Political Participation
- Created by: Faiza Mathaker
- Created on: 08-11-12 12:30
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- Democracy & Political Participation
- Definition of Democracy: Means ‘Rule by the people'
- Representative democracy- when people elect or appoint representatives to make decisions on their behalf.
- Advantage- less time consuming than direct democracy
- Advantage-Elected representatives have knowledge to make a judgement. Avoids hasty decisions made by the people
- Representatives and parties are able to mediate between the interests of different sections of society
- Disadvantage- Politicians may act in self interest or govern and may not the public opinion to account
- Disadvantage- Representatives may not accurately represent the opinion and demands of the wider population
- Disadvantage- Representative democracy is only fair if elections are fair
- Direct democracy- where people themselves make key political decisons. E.g- Ancient Athens
- Advantage-Purest form of democracy
- Advantage-Avoids decisions made by representatives in their own interest
- Advantage - People are becoming more well informed and educated to make their own judgement
- Advantage-Decisions are directly made by the people
- Disadvantage- slow in decision making
- Disadvantage- Tyranny of the Majority
- Disadvantage- Only works in a country with a small population
- Disadvantage- Too complex for people to understand
- Advantage- Increases participation therefore enhances democracy
- Referendum- a vote where the people are asked to determine and important issue. Usually a yes or no answer
- Most direct form of democracy
- Prevents the government to make unpopular decisions
- People are likely to respect and conform decisions they have made themselves
- Issues may be too complex for people to understand
- Minorities may suffer as they represent the majority
- They may undermine respect for representative institutions
- Political Participation
- is simply being informed about issues
- Contributing to online forums and petitions
- Voting in various elections
- Joining a pressure group
- Taking part in physical or e-petitions
- Joining a political party
- Becoming active in a party
- Becoming active in a pressure group
- Standing for political office