Depression Explanations Psychology PSYB3
Biological, psychodynamic and cognitive explanations in brief with some A02 points
- Created by: Ginagissing
- Created on: 29-04-14 20:40
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- Depression
- Unipolar
- withdrawal from social life, loss of appetite
- poor concentration, thinking about suicide
- Biological Explanation
- McGuffin
- MZ: 46%
- DZ: 20%
- Supports that the closer the genetic relationship the more likely an individual will develop UD
- not everyone has been a twin
- Should be 100%, so genetics cannot fully explain UD - we inherit a pre-disposition to UD however,
environmental stress factors may act as a trigger.
- Supports that the closer the genetic relationship the more likely an individual will develop UD
- Should be 100%, so genetics cannot fully explain UD - we inherit a pre-disposition to UD however,
environmental stress factors may act as a trigger.
- McGuffin
- Imbalance in
neurotransmitters (noradrenalin & serotonin)
- Teuting et al
- Studied the levels of
a specific
compound released by an
enzyme whilst breaks
down S & N in urine
- Found that depressed people had significantly lower levels of this
compound than non-depressed people
- Supports that low S + N is a cause of UD
- Only states that there is a relationship
- Only states that there is a relationship
- Supports that low S + N is a cause of UD
- Found that depressed people had significantly lower levels of this
compound than non-depressed people
- Studied the levels of
a specific
compound released by an
enzyme whilst breaks
down S & N in urine
- Teuting et al
- Cognitive Explanation
- automatic thoughts
- Unpleasant thoughts that
repeatedly remind depressed individuals of their inadequacy & hopelessnes. E.g. “I will never
amount to anything”
- Lloyd and Weaver
- Unpleasant thoughts that
repeatedly remind depressed individuals of their inadequacy & hopelessnes. E.g. “I will never
amount to anything”
- automatic thoughts
- Unipolar
- Bipolar
- Depression
- Unipolar
- withdrawal from social life, loss of appetite
- poor concentration, thinking about suicide
- Biological Explanation
- McGuffin
- MZ: 46%
- DZ: 20%
- not everyone has been a twin
- Should be 100%, so genetics cannot fully explain UD - we inherit a pre-disposition to UD however,
environmental stress factors may act as a trigger.
- Should be 100%, so genetics cannot fully explain UD - we inherit a pre-disposition to UD however,
environmental stress factors may act as a trigger.
- McGuffin
- Imbalance in
neurotransmitters (noradrenalin & serotonin)
- Teuting et al
- Studied the levels of
a specific
compound released by an
enzyme whilst breaks
down S & N in urine
- Found that depressed people had significantly lower levels of this
compound than non-depressed people
- Supports that low S + N is a cause of UD
- Supports that low S + N is a cause of UD
- Found that depressed people had significantly lower levels of this
compound than non-depressed people
- Studied the levels of
a specific
compound released by an
enzyme whilst breaks
down S & N in urine
- Teuting et al
- Cognitive Explanation
- automatic thoughts
- Unpleasant thoughts that
repeatedly remind depressed individuals of their inadequacy & hopelessnes. E.g. “I will never
amount to anything”
- Lloyd and Weaver
- Unpleasant thoughts that
repeatedly remind depressed individuals of their inadequacy & hopelessnes. E.g. “I will never
amount to anything”
- automatic thoughts
- Unipolar
- Increase in work activity, sexual activities
- high levels of energy, little sleep
- Delusional and reckless thoughts
- lack of social inhibition
- Depression
- Sleep disturbances
- no interest in everyday activities
- Increase in work activity, sexual activities
- high levels of energy, little sleep
- Delusional and reckless thoughts
- lack of social inhibition
- 5 symptoms for at least two weeks
- no interest in everyday activities
- Sleep disturbances
- Problems with self report
- Wrong treatment
- Skill of therapist
- 5
symptoms from unipolar for 2 weeks & having 4 manic symptoms for a least a week
- 5
symptoms from unipolar for 2 weeks & having 4 manic symptoms for a least a week
- Skill of therapist
- Wrong treatment
- no interest in everyday activities
- 5
symptoms from unipolar for 2 weeks & having 4 manic symptoms for a least a week
- Problems with self report
- Wrong treatment
- Skill of therapist
- Skill of therapist
- Wrong treatment
- People inherit a genetic pre-disposition for unipolar depression passed on through families. Concordance rates in these families will be higher than the gen. pop.
- High
level of cortisol released
by the adrenal gland has been found to be
a cause of UD. People can respond to a stressful event by
becoming depressed.
- Southwick
- People with UD have high levels of C in
their system
even when the stressful event has gone
- when C is
reduced, an individual’s UD also reduces.
- Reductionist
- neglects influence of env factors
- Deterministic
- no way to control UD
- Reductionist
- when C is
reduced, an individual’s UD also reduces.
- People with UD have high levels of C in
their system
even when the stressful event has gone
- Southwick
- Southwick
- People with UD have high levels of C in
their system
even when the stressful event has gone
- when C is
reduced, an individual’s UD also reduces.
- Reductionist
- neglects influence of env factors
- Deterministic
- no way to control UD
- Reductionist
- when C is
reduced, an individual’s UD also reduces.
- People with UD have high levels of C in
their system
even when the stressful event has gone
- Psychodynamic Explanation
- If a child has a critical or over bearing parent it is likely
the child will never please the parent.
- May cause depression because the individual is always setting targets they may not able to achieve.
- If a child has a critical or over bearing parent it is likely
the child will never please the parent.
- Person
regresses to the oral stage as they did not deal with feelings of
rejection as a child.
- Psychodynamic Explanation
- If a child has a critical or over bearing parent it is likely
the child will never please the parent.
- May cause depression because the individual is always setting targets they may not able to achieve.
- If a child has a critical or over bearing parent it is likely
the child will never please the parent.
- Psychodynamic Explanation
- Regression to this stage as an adult means they are not able to deal with loss.
- Person
regresses to the oral stage as they did not deal with feelings of
rejection as a child.
- Person
regresses to the oral stage as they did not deal with feelings of
rejection as a child.
- Thus they have depression
- Regression to this stage as an adult means they are not able to deal with loss.
- Regression to this stage as an adult means they are not able to deal with loss.
- Maier and Lachman
- questioned 3000 adults
- Gave evidence to support a relationship
between early loss & depression
- cannot predict that early loss causes depression.
- Gave evidence to support a relationship
between early loss & depression
- questioned 3000 adults
- Gave evidence to support a relationship
between early loss & depression
- cannot predict that early loss causes depression.
- questioned 3000 adults
- Klein
- identified personality traits which are commonly shown by people with depression
- Dependency on others, low self esteem &belief they have to be perfect
- supports parents can cause depression in individuals.
- found that depressed
people recall unpleasant experiences easily than positive ones & select pessimistic statements in story telling tests.
- Supports the idea that depressed people
think more negatively & use negative schema’s.
- attempts to explain the
actual cause of unipolar depression
- Reductionist
- attempts to explain the
actual cause of unipolar depression
- Supports the idea that depressed people
think more negatively & use negative schema’s.
- Supports the idea that depressed people
think more negatively & use negative schema’s.
- attempts to explain the
actual cause of unipolar depression
- Reductionist
- attempts to explain the
actual cause of unipolar depression
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