Design and Technology
- Created by: mearyandesai
- Created on: 21-06-21 23:22
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- Design and Technology
- Health and safety
- Think about Safety when you make a product.
- Important Part planning of product.
- Checks in production processes
- Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points.(HACCP)
- Spot Possible Dangers.
- Reduce their risk
- Important Part planning of product.
- Carry out a Risk Assessment
- Find Hazardous Processes
- Evacuate risks of production processes.
- Take precautions
- Basic Healthy and Safety Production
- Simple Rule to keep food safe.
- Think about Safety when you make a product.
- Tools
- Cutting Tools
- Hand Tools
- Tenon Saw
- Panel Saw
- Hacksaw
- Coping Saw
- Machine Tools
- Circular Saw
- Jig Saw
- Saw bench
- Band Saw
- Drills
- Brace
- Hand drill
- Pilate Drill
- Hand Tools
- Shaping Tools
- Hand Tools
- Wood Chinsels
- Cold Chisels
- Gougers
- Bench planes
- Files
- Machine Tools
- A planer and thicknessers
- A milling machine
- A bench grinder
- Lathes
- Hand Tools
- Cutting Tools
- Health and safety
- Hand Tools
- Tenon Saw
- Panel Saw
- Hacksaw
- Coping Saw