Détente Events
- Created by: Holly Q
- Created on: 27-05-14 13:05
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- Detente Events
- Arms Race
- Creation of ICBMs (1957)
- Creation of SLBMs (1960)
- Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
- Nuclear Non-proliferation treaty (1968)
- Creation of ABMs (1971)
- SALT I (1972)
- SS20 Missile Creation (1977)
- Vienna Summit / SALT II (1979)
- SALT II Stopped (1980)
- Conflict
- 6 Day War (1967)
- Chile Coup (1973)
- October War (1973)
- Ethiopian War (1974)
- Angolan War (1975)
- USSR in Afghanistan (1979)
- Iran (1979)
- Human Rights
- Helsinki Accords (1975)
- Ideology/Trade
- Basic Treaty (1972)
- Oil Crisis (1973)
- Apollo-Soyuz Linkup (1975)
- Arms Race
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