GEOGRAPHY - paper 2 Development
- Created by: Rachieba01
- Created on: 21-02-18 16:38
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- Development
- Development is when a country is improving.
- Economic development: process in economic growth. - measure of how wealthy a country is, level of indstrialisation
- Social development: improvement in peoples standard of living- better healthcare/ clean water
- Environment development: advances in managing/ protecting environment - reducing pollution
- Uneven development: differences in wealth, health & education
- wealth: more developed countries= higher wealth than less developed
- Health: better healthcare means people in more developed countries live longer than less developed (life expectancy)
- Education: higher education in more developed countries
- wealth: more developed countries= higher wealth than less developed
- measures of development
- GDP - gross domestic product. Total value of goods/ services a country produces. And GDP per capita
- GNI - gross national income, measures all products, taxes and foreign income earned by a county. GNI per capita
- Birth rate, numbers of babies born per thousand per year
- Death rate
- Life expectancy
- Infant mortality rate- number of babies who die under 1 year old
- Literacy rate- percentage of adults who can read and write
- Human development index - number calculated by life expectancy and education level. (between 0 ans 1)
- Happy index - calculated using life expectancy, wellbeing and inequality
- The improvement of something to become more advances, modern, efficient, changing for the better- all counties strive towards
- Development is when a country is improving.
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