development between feb and oct revoltions
- Created by: Caitlinmaskell
- Created on: 17-05-19 14:59
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- Developments between 1917 revolutions- success for bolsheviks?
- Return of Lenin and April thesis
- He believed Russian middle class were too weak to carry through w a rev, so the worker backed by peasants needed to
- he thought Europe seemed close to socialist rev so would support Russia
- initially many didn't support, they thought it was too soon and radical
- he gained support through persuasion, compromise, threats of resignation
- he managed to gain majority party support, by abandoning his call for an immediate rev but struggled to gain wider support
- 'bread, land, peace' & 'power to the soviets'
- He believed Russian middle class were too weak to carry through w a rev, so the worker backed by peasants needed to
- July days
- armed demonstration done by kronstadt naval base, spread to Petrograd and inc workers and soliders
- when it turned violent, bolsheviks were blamed
- prov. gov't sent intros to crush it and mensheviksand SRs supported this
- bolshevik newspaper shut down, lenin and stalin fled, Trotsky arrested
- Kornilov coup
- he orders troop to march on Petrograd, presumablyin an attempt to eat. a military dictatorship
- kerensky panics and allows the bolsheviks to arm workers to halt kornilov advance
- due to bolsheviks saving the day, by sept, they had majorities in both the petrograd and moscow soviets. membership had incr. from feb -23000 to oct -200000
- provisional government failing
- they had failed to improve food supplies to the cities and prices were far higher than wages
- war was stilll continuing and summer offensive had failed
- they had pushed back redistribution of land until consitiuent assembly could be elected
- kornilov's coup showed revolution was under threat from the right, just as the bolsheviks had warned
- kerensky weekend by coup as he appointed kornilov and then relied and bolsheviks to suppress it
- as bolsheviks was only party not involved in pro. gov't they were only party not blamed for it
- Return of Lenin and April thesis
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