'Examine how the concept of development has changed over time'
- Created by: not a goth
- Created on: 28-05-17 10:54
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- 'Examine How the Concept of Development Has Changed Over Time'
- Introduction
- Paragraph 1
- Paragraph 2
- Paragraph 3
- Conclusion
- 40's & 50's = state-led bc re-building economies fter 2 world wars & the Great Depression
- shift to political left bc trials of socialism
- 60's & 70's prove dependency theory bc of third world financial crisis
- statism doesn't always work for developing countries
- 80's & 90's = increases in social and environmental development
- dependency theory again proved by failure of SAPs
- 40's & 50's = state-led bc re-building economies fter 2 world wars & the Great Depression
- 1980's = third world debt crisis
- development clearly isn't working = post development theory (Arturo Escobar)
- 1989: Washington Consensus & SAPs (neo-liberal)
- Didn't work = Post-Washington Consensus by Joseph Stiglitz (1990's)
- Critique of Washington Consensus & created SAPs
- Didn't work = Post-Washington Consensus by Joseph Stiglitz (1990's)
- created Brundtland report (1987)
- sustainable development theory
- later creates MDGs and SDGs
- top-down but encourages grassroots
- later creates MDGs and SDGs
- sustainable development theory
- 1990's: human development theory & entitlements philosophy
- Amartya Sen says development is freedom
- importance of empowerment of people
- links to participatory and grassroots development where decision-making is with locals
- importance of empowerment of people
- Amartya Sen says development is freedom
- shift in development to social and environmental
- Conclusion
- So, post-war development linked with state intervention up to 1960's
- issues in ideology = rise of neo-liberalism as dominant attitude in 70's
- 'right wing politics'
- issues in ideology = rise of neo-liberalism as dominant attitude in 70's
- 1947-1991 = cold war
- birthed Modernisation Theory in 1950's (proves capitalism right)
- causes dependency theory in 1970's as a critique of capitalism
- recognises historical circumstances & exploitation where modn theory does not
- causes dependency theory in 1970's as a critique of capitalism
- birthed Modernisation Theory in 1950's (proves capitalism right)
- concerns about how rapid development has impacted the environment
- Rachel Carson: Silent Spring1962
- not dominant thinking- media discredited by calling her a alcoholic whore
- 1971: founding of Greenpeace
- 1972: The Club of Rome- there are limits to growth
- Rachel Carson: Silent Spring1962
- Paragraph 3
- 'Historical models of development give a normative impression of the degree to which in the past, since mercantilism and colonialism, development has been highly uneven and spatially polarised'
- for a long time, colonialism = most accepted form
- created GN & GS through mercantile trading systems & allowed industrial revolution
- inspired by liberal policies of Adam Smith and David Ricardo
- exploitation creates effective markets
- economic growth synonymous with development
- inspired by liberal policies of Adam Smith and David Ricardo
- created GN & GS through mercantile trading systems & allowed industrial revolution
- Liberalism is unstable = created Great Depression
- = Keynesian Economics
- During economic crisis, the state should create jobs
- Both political left and right believed in statism up until 1960's
- = Keynesian Economics
- Paragraph 2
- 'Development theories and strategies have been many and varied, with new approaches generally being added alongside existing ones'
- Development = improving quality of life
- debate over whether should be state-led or market-led
- originally through western ideologies in colonial periods (mercantilism and Adam Smith)
- WW2 = debate between state-led ad market-led development
- free-market economies have failings = ideas of post-development and grassroots in the modern day
- WW2 = debate between state-led ad market-led development
- Paragraph 1
- Introduction
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