GEOGRAPHY development dilemas
- Created by: willbrewin1
- Created on: 12-04-15 11:41
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- Development dilemas
- development- how advanced a country is in comparison to the rest
- 4 factors
- Economic
- job sectors, security of jobs and average income
- social
- health care, leisure and education
- physical well-being
- diet, disease, hazards and clean drinking water.
- mental well-bieng
- freedom, security and happiness
- Economic
- measures of development
- GDP- total income of a country
- HDI- human development index. assesses income, education and life expectancy
- HPI- happy planet index. how good a country is at using its resources to benefit its people
- Gender inequality index- measures womens role in workforce, decision making, their education and their control over their pregnancy
- political freedom- measures political rights, individual rights and free speech
- corruption perception index- measures amount of perceived govt. corruption
- Environmental performance index- measures both the health of the people and the natural environment.
- Developing
- GDP increasing slightly
- AIDS is common
- Not everyone can work
- Corrupted govt.
- land locked country
- Hard to import/export
- 1 trainline to coast, through a war zone
- ROSTOW's theory
- Every country follows a path to development
- Problems- assumes that all countries start the same, it has no reference to the dependency theory and it is old
- FRANK's theory
- Some countries are poor because of their relationships with other countries
- the dependency theory
- regional differences in development
- Bihar- periphery
- Women don't work- 1/2 workforce
- Subsistence living/farming
- Mumbai- core
- Major port, lots of industry as it is east to import and export.
- High FDI
- Major port, lots of industry as it is east to import and export.
- Bihar- periphery
- Top down development
- Govt schemes, usually benefit the core regions
- Sardar sarovar dam
- HEP, consistant water,flood/ draught protection and irrigation.
- Villages drowned, locals cant afford HEP, farmland and historical land lost, soil fertility decreases near dam
- Bottom up development
- NGO's working with local communities smaller scale = sustainable
- ASTRA- Application of science and technology in rural areas
- solving fuelwood crisis by converting cow dung into biogas
- ASTRA- Application of science and technology in rural areas
- NGO's working with local communities smaller scale = sustainable
- HDI- human development index. assesses income, education and life expectancy
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