Development Projects
- Created by: Joseph Timoney-Smith
- Created on: 20-04-15 07:50
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- Development projects
- Empowerment
- Development projects give power to minority groups, women and young people
- Women participate in decision making processes
- It provides jobs, education and financial support
- The first ever Maasai government representative was a female through the protection on Maasai land
- Development projects give power to minority groups, women and young people
- Theories
- Dependency (Frank)
- Rostow's ladder
- Modernization theory (Durkhiem)
- IGO's (Inter-Governmental Organisations) and NGO's (non-Governmental Organisations)
- World bank and IMF(IGO's)
- A United Nations agency created to assist developing nations by loans guaranteed by member governments
- Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders, etc are NGO's
- Benefits
- Without fincial aid many projects would have never been developed
- Introduces established working practices leading to speedy economic development (which furthers the advancement of globalisation)
- Improved quality of life, gender equality, progress and empowerment
- Criticisms
- Time consuming and lengthy
- May hinder further development as conflicts arise
- Aid often does not reach those who need it
- The objective is fulfil NGO's own agenda
- Encourages homogenisation via globalisation and serving western view of better quality of life, growth and development
- World bank and IMF(IGO's)
- Benefits/faliures of long-term and short-term projects
- Short term
- HOw do the village keep power
- It is harder to adjust to poverty than missing something you never had
- Short term
- Empowerment
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