Developmental Psychology
- Created by: ToriStone
- Created on: 12-01-15 15:35
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- Developmental Psychology
- Learning theory
- Attach to who feeds them
- Classical and Operant conditioning
- Learning theory
- Learning theory
- Attach to who feeds them
- Classical and Operant conditioning
- Bowlby's theory
- Developmental Psychology
- Mothers - Instincts to care
- Developmental Psychology
- Attach to who protects from danger
- Bowlby's theory
- Mothers - Instincts to care
- Bowlby's theory
- Childs - Instincts for attention e.g. crying
- Monotrophy must be formed in critical periods
- Ainsworth
- Sensitivity hypothesis (strange situation)
- Ainsworth
- Ainsworth
- Secure (b) 70%
- Insecure-avoidant (a) 20%
- Insecure-resistant (c) 10%
- Cultural Variations
- Van Ijendoorn and Kroonenebrg
- Cultural Variations
- Cultural Variations
- 32 cross cultural studies of ***
- Secure attachments most common
- Disruption of attachment
- 1. Protest 2.Despair 3.Detachment
- Disruption of attachment
- Disruption of attachment
- Robertson x2 John and Jane
- Privation
- No attachment has ever formed
- Case Studies such as Genie and Czech twins
- Privation
- No attachment has ever formed
- Privation
- Reactive attachment disorder
- cannot give or receive affection
- Institutional care
- Hodges and Tizard
- Institutional care
- Institutional care
- Adopted - attached had problems with siblings and peers
- 2 groups
- Hodges and Tizard
- Hodges and Tizard
- 2 groups
- Day Care
- Agression
- Day Care
- NICHD - increased agression
- Day Care
- Shea - decreased agression
- Agression
- NICHD - increased agression
- Agression
- Peer relations
- Clarke-Stewart - positive
- Peer relations
- Peer relations
- Influence
- Offer parenting classes
- Influence
- Influence
- Avoid child and care giver seperation
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