Developmental Psychology Basics
- Created by: Payge Cassidy
- Created on: 29-12-12 22:52
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- Developmental Psychology
- Attachment
- An emotional link between two people that ties them together.
- Learning Theories
- Operant Conditioning
- According to the principle of operant conditioning, any behaviour that produces a reward (positive reinforcement) will be repeated. Behaviours that 'switch off' something unpleasant are also likely to be repeated.
- Classical Conditioning
- Classical conditioning is based on learning through association e.g. a hungry dog will quickly learn to associate the sound of their owner's footsteps with food.
- Bowlby
- Monotropy
- Evolutionary Theory
- Internal Working Model
- The Critical/Sensitive Period
- Operant Conditioning
- The Strange Situation
- Secure Attachment Type
- Insecure-Avoidanct Attachment Type
- Insecure-Resistant Attachment Type
- Cultural Variations
- Disruption Of Attachment
- Attachment
- An emotional link between two people that ties them together.
- PDD Model
- Protest
- Despair
- Detachment
- Despair
- Protest
- Privation
- The lack of any type of attachment.
- Institutionalisation
- Children spending a period of time in institutional care.
- Day Care
- Nursery Based Care
- Family Based Care
- Attachment
- Attachment
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