Devices and techniques
- Created by: brownclan123
- Created on: 04-05-15 14:27
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- Devices and Techniques
- Harmonic
- Appoggiatura
- A clashing note that is not prepared
- Usually resolved by a step downwards
- A clashing note that is not prepared
- 7th Chords
- Anticipation
- A note which anticipates the main note usually at a cadence
- Usually clashes briefly with the chordal sound
- A note which anticipates the main note usually at a cadence
- Tierce de Picardie
- The third of chord I in the minor key is raised to the major
- Pedal
- Tonic
- In the tonic note
- A held or repeated note
- Dominant
- More common than the tonic
- In the dominant note
- Inner or internal
- A pedal note in the inner or internal instrument
- Inverted pedal
- In the top instrument
- Tonic
- Drone
- From bagpipes
- Octaves or fifths
- Suspension
- A dissonant or clashing note that is prepared on the previous beat
- Secondary dominant chord
- Chromatic chord which doesn't belong to the key
- Sounds like the dominant of a new key
- Not a real modulation
- Chromatic chord which doesn't belong to the key
- Cadences
- Perfect
- V-I
- Imperfect
- Plagal
- IV-I
- Sounds like "amen"
- Interrupted
- VI-I
- Perfect
- Modulation
- Changing the key
- Inverted pedal
- In the top instrument
- Auxiliary or passing notes
- Off beat note a second above or below the main note
- Returns to the main note
- Appoggiatura
- Melodic
- Auxiliary notes
- Anticipation
- Balanced Phrasing
- "Periodic phrasing"
- Phrases of equal length
- Often four bars
- Inversion
- The phrase is put upside down
- E.g. a minor third down from the main note becomes a minor third up from the main note
- The phrase is put upside down
- Retrograde
- The music is written backwards
- A-D-F-E becomes E-F-D-A
- Sequence
- A musical idea is repeated immediately but at a different pitch
- Rising or falling
- Ornaments or decorations
- Appoggiatura
- Acciaccatura
- Rapid
- A step above or below the main note
- Written as a small note with a line through the stem
- Mordent
- The main note rapidly followed by the note above and the note below
- Very quick
- Trill
- A pair of notes rapidly played one after the other
- Rhythmic
- Ostinato
- A musical idea repeated many times and repeated as the basis of a composition
- Syncopation
- A note from the next beat is moved to a position just before the beat
- Swing
- Written quavers are played as notes of unequal length
- Jazz
- Triplets
- Three notes are played in the time of two
- Hemiola
- Triple time
- The notes are arranged in two beat rhythms
- Rhythm sounds like duple time
- Walking bass
- Continuous crotchets and quavers that often move scalically
- Dotted notes
- Scotch Snap
- "Lombardic rhythm"
- A short note on the beat followed by a long note off the beat
- Augmentation
- A musical idea is repeated with longer note values
- Ostinato
- Harmonic
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