Did violent methods of the suffrage help?
- Created by: minnie bhullar
- Created on: 01-05-13 09:24
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- Did violent methods of the suffragettes help?
- Yes
- Made female suffrage front page news
- bought it to attention of the public and Government
- Once the issue had been raised, it recieved a lot of publicity
- Asquith was against female suffrage
- The violent methods did not make it worse
- Asquith's views, and his governement's harsh treatment of the suffrage
- Made female suffrage front page news
- No
- Violence turned moderate men and MPs, against the idea for voted for women
- Thats why bills were always defeated
- Violence supported the view that women weren't responsible enought to have the vote
- In 1913 and 1914 the NUWSS was growing in popularity at the expenses of the WSPU
- Some women were turning away from violence
- Violence turned moderate men and MPs, against the idea for voted for women
- Yes
- The violence played into the hands of the Government
- No
- Violence turned moderate men and MPs, against the idea for voted for women
- Thats why bills were always defeated
- Violence supported the view that women weren't responsible enought to have the vote
- In 1913 and 1914 the NUWSS was growing in popularity at the expenses of the WSPU
- Some women were turning away from violence
- Violence turned moderate men and MPs, against the idea for voted for women
- They could argue that is was wrong to give into violence
- No
- Too emotional and hysterical
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