Diet and Exercise
- Created by: Basital
- Created on: 09-03-17 18:21
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- Diet and exercise
- Balanced diet
- Carbohydrates
- Releases energy needed to release energy and build cells
- Fats
- Releases energy needed to release energy and build cells
- Proteins
- Releases energy needed to release energy and build cells
- Fats
- Releases energy needed to release energy and build cells
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Small amounts for your body to work healthily. Without them you will suffer deficiency diseases
- Vitamins
- Small amounts for your body to work healthily. Without them you will suffer deficiency diseases
- Fibre
- Water
- Contains the right balance of different foods and the right amount of energy
- Carbohydrates
- Unbalanced diet
- You'll end up malnorished
- Overweight
- Underweight
- Can lead to deficiency diseases
- Or conditions like Type 2 diabetes
- You'll end up malnorished
- Energy
- Not enough energy intake
- Underweight
- Different people need different amounts of energy
- Men need more than women - unless she is pregnant
- Teenagers need more energy than the old
- The more exercise you take, the more food you need for energy
- Not enough energy intake
- The metabolic rate
- The rate at which chemical reaction stake place in your body cells
- Men usually have a higher metabolic rate than women
- Proportion of muscle to fat [affect smetabolic rate] often higher in men
- Exercise increases metabolic rate
- Basic metabolic rate = inherited from parents
- Inherited factors also affect our health; e.g cholesterol levels
- People who exercise regularly are usually healthier than people who take little exercise
- Balanced diet
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