health Mind map
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?- Created by: Zoe
- Created on: 07-05-13 11:52
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- Diet and Energy
- Hunger
- Un easy or painful sensation caused by want of food.
- Causes of Hunger
- Armed Conflict: war disrupts agricultural production
- Environment: strain on natural resources
- Discrimination: lack of access to credit, education comes as a result of gender differences
- Poverty: poor have no resources to grow/buy food
- Poor have a lack of political power
- Effects
- Vulnerability to illness and infection
- Impediment to developement
- High infant mortality rate
- Impediments to economic growth
- Obesity
- Excessive or abnormal accumulation of fat in the adipose tissues
- Causes
- Global shift towards energy dense foods
- Trend towards decreased physical excercise
- UK
- 1/6 boys and 1/7 girls obese
- 61.3% adults and 28% kids obese or overweight
- Health Risks
- Deterioration of mental health
- Depression costs £8.6 billon/yr
- CHD and Type two diabetes
- Lack of immunity
- Cancer and arthritus
- Deterioration of mental health
- Transnational Corporations
- A company which operates in at least two countries
- Pharmacuetical TNCs
- A comany which researches, manufactures and distributes drugs
- Tobaccp TNCs
- Phillip Morris
- Sold 805 billion cigarrettes in 2005
- Researches potentially less harmful cigarattes
- Have a responsible marketing policy where they do not sell to kids
- Framework Convetion on Tobacco Control
- LEDC's tagetted
- They do not sign the treaty as cannot afford to regulate companies. It is easier for TNCS to advertise and lack of taxes/cheap construction means they can get maximum profit
- 70% sold in LEDCs due to lack of education, awareness and it is seen as the most basic luxury.
- They do not sign the treaty as cannot afford to regulate companies. It is easier for TNCS to advertise and lack of taxes/cheap construction means they can get maximum profit
- Protects public health by restrcting advertising, labelling and contents of packages.
- LEDC's tagetted
- Phillip Morris
- Most common cause of death in MEDCs
- 7.2 million deaths/annum
- Occurs in most deprived regions of MEDCs and most westernized egions of LEDCs
- Hunger
- Hunger
- Un easy or painful sensation caused by want of food.
- Causes of Hunger
- Armed Conflict: war disrupts agricultural production
- Environment: strain on natural resources
- Discrimination: lack of access to credit, education comes as a result of gender differences
- Poverty: poor have no resources to grow/buy food
- Poor have a lack of political power
- Effects
- Vulnerability to illness and infection
- Impediment to developement
- High infant mortality rate
- Impediments to economic growth
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