Diet and exercise
- Created by: Jade
- Created on: 04-05-13 14:31
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- Diet and exercise
- The three main food groups for energy
- Carbohydrates
- Things such as potatoes, pasta, bread, bananas, sugar and rice.
- It is needed as a source of energy for life processes.
- Fats
- Things such as cheese, butter, margarine and oils
- They help to make cell membranes and to insulate the body.
- Proteins
- Used for growth and repair - building cells
- Carbohydrates
- You need to get a good balance of each food group in order to have a healthy diet.
- If you don't have a balanced diet you can become melnurished
- To stay healthy you need to give your body a mixture of vitamins and minerals.
- The more exercise you do the faster you burn off energy.
- Exercise increases your metabolic rate
- This makes chemical reactions in your cells faster.
- The difference in muscle and fat in your body can also effects your metabolic rate.
- The three main food groups for energy
- Things such as meat, fish, eggs and cheese.
- Proteins
- Used for growth and repair - building cells
- Proteins
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