Dietary Advice for pregnancy
- Created by: Carolyn
- Created on: 20-05-14 21:20
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- Dietary Advice for Pregnancy
- Listeria
- Salmonella
- Raw and lightly cooked eggs
- Excess Vitamin A
- Liver + products made from liver
- Limit intake of...
- Some types of fish
- Swordfish and tuna as they may contain mercury which can affect the nervous system of the fetus
- Caffeine
- Affects the absorption of many nutrients
- No more thn 300 mg of caffeine per day
- Alcohol
- Linked to lower birth weights and miscarrigage
- No more than one or two units of alcohol once or twice a week
- Some types of fish
- Doctors advise that women take 400mcg of folic acid per day whilst trying to conceive and during the first trimester
- During lactation energy needs and the body's demand for particular nutrients intensify. Mother needs to increase her intake of protein, calcium, vitamin D and fluid to help produce milk.
- Pre-packed salads
- Listeria
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